
Deploy Notion2Markdown-Action for Hexo Project Using GitHub Actions

In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of deploying the Notion2Markdown-Action for your Hexo project using GitHub Actions. This workflow allows you to synchronize content from Notion to your Hexo blog automatically. We’ll provide a detailed explanation of how to set up the necessary configurations and secrets for this GitHub Actions workflow. Prerequisites Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place: Notion Database For Notion side, you have a prepare a notion dataset and notion integration secret.


Notion2Markdown Action [English] [简体中文] [详细介绍] This GitHub Action converts pages from a Notion database into Markdown documents. It can be used for static blog generators like Hexo and Hugo. The action also includes PicGo-Core for uploading images to a picBed. Inputs notion_secret (required) Notion app token. It is recommended to store this token in GitHub Action Secrets. How to get